英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:16:26
  • 双语例句

1. I have long hair, but even a teeny tiny amount of product works great in smoothing and detangling my hair.

2. But there was a teeny, tiny problem.

3. Is there a teeny tiny little bit of possibility that you will like me in the future?

4. Do you think my sister's teeny, tiny, little brain comprehends...

5. teeny tiny的近义词

5. There might be a teeny tiny possibility.

6. teeny tiny的反义词

6. Do you realize you're growing a teeny tiny penis inside you?

7. Yes, my tiny, |teeny little brother, but not small.

8. It's almost a new mattress, yet I had two holes in Colorado last fall, and two pinholes in Moab that were teeny tiny.


9. Cute teeny tiny puzzle game in the style of retro Japanese brain teasers.

10. And I made a teeny tiny mistake on the specifications for the diverter valve.

11. I got a question if i may is it gay to play putt putt golf with a friend and watch his butt butt when he tees off but but i aint done yet in football a quarterback yells out hut hut while he reaches in another grown man's ass grabs on his nuts, but just what if it was never meant, it was just an accident but he tripped, fell, slipped and his penis went in his teeny, tiny, little, round hiney and he didn't mean it but his little weenie flinched just a little bit and i don't need to go into any more details but what if he pictured it as a female's butt is that gay?

12. According to ancient ideas, inside the body of every man are not just little sperm swimming around, but each of those little things is a homunculus, a little person, a little, teeny, tiny person.

13. In fact this is a teeny tiny deal for Petrochina.

14. You know another really good business? Teeny tiny baby coffins.

15. Now, are you telling me that you are so unbelievably arrogant that you can't admit that there's a teeny tiny possibility that you could be wrong about this?

16. teeny tiny在线翻译

16. But how can teeny, tiny ants repel a big old elephant, which is, after all, about a billion times more massive?

17. teeny tiny

17. In the body of Abraham were millions of little, teeny, tiny people.

18. teeny tiny的翻译

18. The store owner smiled and whistled and out of the kennel came Lady, who ran down the aisle of his store followed by five teeny, tiny balls of fur.

19. teeny tiny的反义词

19. Or is it that your head is too teeny-tiny.

20. teeny tiny

20. Under the direction of its new CMO, Anand Chandrasekher, the San Diego-based company is spending more than ever on a marketing campaign that aims to get consumers to finally care about the teeny-tiny chips inside of their phones and tablets.

The teeny tiny woman walks into a teeny tiny garden.(一个小小的女人正走进小小的花园。)
All we've got is a skinny Flash, an Indian Aquaman, a nearsighted Green Lantern, and a teeny, tiny Dark Knight. Obviously, we're no longer a Justice League.(我们只有一个瘦弱的闪电侠,一个印度潜水侠,一个近视绿灯侠,和一个小矮个儿暗夜骑士。很显然,我们不再是正义联盟了。)
Even though these little guys are so teeny-tiny it is important you know exactly what you're dealing with, before sharing it with others!(虽然这些小家伙们已经小得不能再小了,但这玩意儿到底是什么?我看你们很有必要先了解一下,搞清楚你到底再搞什么然后再去搞。)
That way, on test day you remember that teeny tiny fact that gets you those scores you need.(索拉尔说道。“”那样的话,考试那天你就可以记住细小的知识点,从而获取理想的分数。”)
Ever wonder why there's a teeny-tiny pocket above the regular ones in the front of your jeans?(有没有想过,牛仔裤口袋上方的迷你口袋用途何在?)
With her "is a very teeny-tiny little word in Hebrew, so I guess a lot of translations figure they can leave it out."(和她一起“,在希伯来语中,是一个无足轻重的词,所以,我猜想很多翻译大家,把它省略了。”)
ABC News' Nick Watt called it "teeny, teeny, tiny."(ABC新闻的尼克·沃特(NickWatt)称其为极小极小。)
Napoleon wasn't short, he was 5.7 which at the time was taller than average, the rumor that he was a teeny tiny man was just a piece a British war propaganda.(拿破仑并不矮,他五尺七寸的身材,在当时高于平均身高,说他是个小小人的谣言仅仅是英国战时宣传的一部分。)
First, we asked my mom to take a picture of us together and help us print it out regular size and teeny-tiny size.(首先,我们让我妈妈帮助我们照一张合影,然后打印几张常规大小的,和一张很小的照片。)
This teeny tiny kitten has stretched their body over a box and seems to have fallen asleep in the process.(这只小猫想要在盒子上伸展身体,但似乎……在半路上就撑不住睡着了。崅。)
teeny tiny是什么意思 teeny tiny在线翻译 teeny tiny什么意思 teeny tiny的意思 teeny tiny的翻译 teeny tiny的解释 teeny tiny的发音 teeny tiny的同义词